9mm carbine
9mm carbine

9mm carbine

Just Right Carbine is chambered for pistol cartridges and intended to be convertible among cartridges. You could carry a JRC and a Glock/1911/M&P and feed both guns off the magazines on your belt versus having to carry two different sets of magazines containing two different cartridges with the attendant bulk and weight. These days, we ideally want to carry the same magazines in our rifles and pistols. I think the fact that the JRC feeds off Glock/1911/M&P mags is a very good thing.

9mm carbine

The idea of having your long gun and handgun chambered for the same cartridge is an old one, most famously prevalent in the Old West. Just Right Carbine has some parts commonality with AR-15s. However, this can be controlled by choosing only ammunition designed to break up on building materials in the event of a missed shot. The 9mm Parabellum with conventional ammunition is a deep diggin’ terror in normal building materials. However there is one thing to be very careful about regarding the 9mm-carbine-as-home-defense-weapon concept: overpenetration. This is hugely important when firing indoors without hearing protection.Īlso the 9mm out of a long-barreled carbine has little muzzle flash, especially in this era of flash-retardant powders, so there’s not much of a fireball to dazzle eyes dilated wide in low light. Among auto-pistols in serious calibers it was no contest: the 9mm was by far the least potentially injurious to your hearing. Years ago Ed Sanow took a sound meter to the range with numerous handguns, chambered for a variety of cartridges, and measured how much noise they generated. Especially in 9mm, such a gun has light recoil and overall handling qualities so mild-mannered that even lesser-trained folks can shoot it decently, and well-trained people superbly. The first thing I think of when the topic of the semiautomatic pistol-caliber carbine comes up is home defense.

9mm carbine