This and r2-length are useful options for determining the optimal read length for sequencing. Note that the length includes the 10x Barcode and UMI sequences so do not set this below 26. In this study we demonstrate the compatibility of RAGE-Seq with the 10x Genomics Chromium 3 system. Limit the length of the input Read 1 sequence of Gene Expression libraries to the first N bases, where N is a user-supplied value.
fasta file format of this information and click on the in the First mate segmentation (Figure 3) to add the barcode as the first segment in read 1. d Nanopore read length distribution of demultiplexed reads assigned to each cell type. Read 1: contains 10X barcodes and UMI, it is 28bp long. 10X Genomics has a barcode whitelist which contains all known barcode sequences during library preparation.
Select the Is paired end check button, and specify the information contained in each end: Assay1 (Figure 2), choose the Build Prep kit option and click Create.įigure 2. 10X Genomics single cell 3' v3.1 gene expression library schematic diagramĬlick on the button on this page, choose other/custom option from the drop-down list and specify a name e.g. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the single cell 3' v3.1 gene expression assay:įigure 1. The following instructions use the 10X Genomics Chromium single cell gene expression 3' v3 chemistry as an example to illustrate how a prep kit tag library file is made in Partek Flow. If you need to add a new prep kit in order to process your fastq files, you will need to get detailed information on how the library is constructed for the specific assay. Prep kit files are required to process single cell fastq files. Partek distributes prep kit files for a variety of single cell technologies, such as 10x Genomics, Drop-seq, and Fluidigm C1.